የእሷ ድምጽ ምዕራፍ አንድ

Yesua Dimtse Season One


CECOE is pleased to present a weekly radio program called ‘Yesua Dimtse’ (meaning ‘her voice’), in collaboration with the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) and funded by the European Union (EU). The program airs every Tuesday from 9:10 PM – 9:40 PM on Ethiopian radio. Additionally, you can also tune in to the program online at www. cecoe.org. We highly encourage you to listen to the program and share your feedback with us.

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Sidist kilo, Angola Street , International
Leadership Institute Bld., 2nd floor
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Episodes: Season 1

"Yesua Dimtse" Radio Program | የሷ ድምጽ የሬዲዮ ፕሮግራም

Episode 01 | ክፍል 01

Gender equality and justice to empower women | የጾታ እኩልነት እና ፍትሀዊነት ሴቶችን እና ልጃገረዶች ለማብቃት

Episode 02 | ክፍል 02

Importance of women empowerment | ሴቶችን እና ልጃገረዶችን ማብቃት ለምን አስፈለገ

Episode 03 | ክፍል 03

Men and boy’s role in women and girl’s empowerment| ወንዶቸ በፆታ እኩልነት እና ፍትሃዊነት ላይ ያላችው ሚና

Episode 04 | ክፍል 04

The contribution of the family and community in women empowerment| ሴቷን ለማብቃት የማህበረሰቡ እና የቤተሰብ አስተዋጽዎ ምንድን ነው?

Episode 05 | ክፍል 05

Couple communication for women empowerment| በጥንዶች መካከል ያለ ግንኙነት ለሴቷ መብቃት ያለው ሚና

Episode 06 | ክፍል 06

How do we balance gender role decision-making power? | የስርዓተ ፆታ ሚና የውሳኔ ሰጭነት ሀይል ሚዛን እንዴት እናምጣ

Episode 07 | ክፍል 07

ለቤተሰብ ለማህበረሰብ እና ለሀገር የተከፈለ ረጅም የመስዋትነት መንገድ | Path paved with sacrifice for family, community, and nation

Episode 08 | ክፍል 08

ትርጉም ያለው የሴቶች የፖለቲካ ተሳትፎ ስንል ምንድነው? | How can we ensure women have a meaningful impact in politics?

Episode 09 | ክፍል 09

ሴት ልጅ እና ትምህርት ፤ ፈተና እና ስኬቶቿ | women and Education, her challenges and Achievements

Episode 10 | ክፍል 10

ለሴቶች የሚሰጥ ልዩ ትኩረት እና የተለየ ድጋፍ ለምን አስፈለገ? | Why affirmative action for women?

Episode 11 | ክፍል 11

ኢትዮጵያ እና የፖለቲካ ስርዓቷ | Ethiopia and its political system

Episode 12 | ክፍል 12

የምዕራፍ አንድ ማጠቃለያ | Season one season break

Episode 13 | ክፍል 13

የምዕራፍ አንድ ማጠቃለያ 2 | Season one season break 2

Episode 14 | ክፍል 14


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