የእሷ ድምጽ ምዕራፍ ሦስት

Yesua Dimtse Season Three


CECOE is pleased to present a weekly radio program called ‘Yesua Dimtse’ (meaning ‘her voice’), in collaboration with the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) and funded by the European Union (EU). The program airs every Tuesday from 9:10 PM – 9:40 PM on Ethiopian radio. Additionally, you can also tune in to the program online at www. cecoe.org. We highly encourage you to listen to the program and share your feedback with us.

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Sidist kilo, Angola Street , International
Leadership Institute Bld., 2nd floor
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Episodes: Season 3

የሴቶች የመምራት ጥበብ በትላንት እና ዛሬ ውስጥ | Women's wisdom in leadership, both in the past and present

Episode 01 | ክፍል 01

ጉዳዬ የሁላችን ጉዳይ | A matter that concerns us all

Episode 02 | ክፍል 02

ሴቶች ማብቃት ስንል ምን ማለታችን ነው? | What do we mean by empowering women

Episode 03 | ክፍል 03

አመለካከቶቻችን እና የስርዓተ ጻታ ህጎች | our perceptions and gender policies

Episode 04 | ክፍል 04

የስርዓተ ጻታን በተዛባ መረዳት በሴቶች ላይ ያለው ተፅዕኖ | The impact of misunderstandings about gender equality

Episode 05 | ክፍል 05

ወግ እና ባህሎቻችን ሴቶችን በማብቃት ረገድ | Traditions and our culture in terms of empowering women

Episode 06 | ክፍል 06

የሴቶች ሚና ከቁጥር ባለፈ | Role of women, more than quotation

Episode 07 | ክፍል 07

ጻታ እና ስርዓተ ጻታ በምርጫ ሂደት ውስጥ | The role of women: beyond mere numbers

Episode 08 | ክፍል 08

ፍሬ አለም ሽባባው ፡ ተምሳሌታዊ ኢትዮጵያዊነት | Frealem Shibabaw: an examplnery Ethiopian

Episode 09 | ክፍል 09

መሪዎች ይወለዳሉ ወይስ ይሰራሉ? የአመራርነት ትርጓሜ በዘመናት ውስጥ | Are leaders born or made? The definition of leadership throughout history.

Episode 10 | ክፍል 10

ጥያቄዎቻቸውን በጥበብ እና በድፍረት | Asking their questions - with wisdom and courage

Episode 11 | ክፍል 11

ወደ ስልጣን የሚመጡ ሴቶች እና የሰላም አበርክቶዋቸው Women rising to power and their contributions to peace

Episode 12 | ክፍል 12

ከራስ አልፎ ለማህበረሰብ ፤ ሴቶችን የማብቃት ጉልህ ጥረቶች | Beyond the self, for society: Meaningful efforts to empower women

Episode 13 | ክፍል 13