Empowering Democracy

Strengthening Electoral Integrity in Ethiopia

Join us in fostering a transparent, fair, and inclusive electoral process for a better future.


Our Mission and Vision

The Coalition of Ethiopian Civil Society Organizations for Elections (CECOE) was established in 2019 to enhance the role of Ethiopian CSOs in election observation, voter education, and conflict prevention. Our mission is to promote free, fair, and peaceful elections through coordinated efforts. We envision an empowered Ethiopian society that upholds democratic values. Our core values include non-partisanship, inclusivity, partnership, transparency, independence, and professionalism.

Key Achievements

  • Year of Establishment 2019% 2019%
  • Local Civil Society Members 175+% 175+%
  • Projects Involved 8+% 8+%


Observed Elections and Referendums

CECOE Milestones

Explore the significant events and milestones in the history of CECOE, showcasing our journey in promoting democratic values and electoral integrity in Ethiopia.


Establishment of CECOE

CECOE was founded with the mission to augment and coordinate the role of Ethiopian CSOs in election observation, voter education, and conflict prevention.


Sidama Referendum Observation

CECOE systematically observed the Sidama referendum, marking a significant step in our efforts to ensure transparent and fair electoral processes.


6th Ethiopian General Elections

During the 6th Ethiopian general elections, CECOE deployed over 3,500 observers across nine regional states and two city administrations, ensuring comprehensive election monitoring.


SNNPR Referendum Observation

CECOE successfully observed the referendum in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region (SNNPR), deploying 434 stationary and 76 mobile observers to ensure a transparent process.

CECOE Launches “Civic Education for Better Civic Engagement and Political Participation in Ethiopia” Project

The Coalition of Ethiopian Civil Society Organizations for Elections (CECOE) has initiated a...

Advocacy Success Story: CECOE’s Effort in Improving Voter Education 

The 6th Ethiopian general elections witnessed increased civil society participation in voter...

CECOE conducted Intellectual Dialogues

The Coalition of Ethiopian Civil Society Organizations for Elections (CECOE), in collaboration...

CECOE conducted a National Dialogue Agenda Collection Forum

The Coalition of Ethiopian Civil Society Organizations for Elections (CECOE) hosted a National...

Ethiopian Civil Society Delegation Shared Lessons from Nigeria’s 2021 Election

A delegation of Ethiopian civil society leaders visited Nigeria from February 22 - February 28,...

Our Work in Pictures

CECOE Image Gallery

Our Programs and Projects

Election Observation

We deploy trained observers to monitor elections, ensuring transparency and fairness in the electoral process.

Voter Education

We conduct extensive voter education campaigns to inform and empower citizens about their electoral rights and responsibilities.

Women Political Participation

In partnership with NIMD, we promote the political participation of women in Ethiopia, fostering inclusivity and gender equality in politics.

Join Us in Empowering Ethiopian Democracy