Invitation for Bids

Supply and delivery of laptops and printers 

Procurement Number: PC/138/23

CECOE has been carrying out projects aimed at strengthening its institutional capacity and that of its members. Under this project, CECOE is providing capacity-building support to 4 members of CSOs in the Tigray region, with financial support from the Irish Embassy.

CECOE now invites eligible bidders to supply and deliver laptop and printer equipment. The equipment is categorized into two lots.

LOT Description Measurement Qty
LOT 1. Laptop computer Pcs 8
LOT 2. Printer Pcs 4

Bidders can bid for LOT/LOTS of their preference

Bidders are required to furnish the following:  

  • Valid registration documents 
  • Duly signed bid form in the format of the bid document

The deadline for submission of bids is 10 November 2023 at 2:00 PM(8:00 local time) 

Sealed bids will be opened on 10 November 2023 at 2:20 PM (8:20 local time) in the presence of bidders or bidders’ representatives who choose to attend, at the address below. 

Both technical and financial offers should be in the envelope. Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders. 

Clarifications should be addressed to: 

Tel.:+251 11 811 1455


The address for the submission of bids is: 

Sidist Kilo, Angola Street, 

International Leadership Institute Bld., 2nd floor

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Bidder Document for Supply and Delivery of Laptops and Printers (1).docxDownload